星期一, 8月 28, 2006


剛剛走進了planeshift的forum, 閱讀了這樣一篇懷念玩家的文章 :

文中提到的人我大都不認識, 但各人緬懷故人的心情, 感觸良多, 我又何嘗不在懷念我那些好朋友呢...

先介紹兩個人 :

Semson Engashi
While she was still 5-6, she has started her vagrant life with her father. Being a Blame Flame follower they were not allowed to stay in the village, even though he was a very good teacher.

One day they come to Yliakum, a crowd kept chasing them and shouted "kill them, kill the evils". Eventually they reached the peak, no more way to go, her father cared her onto his bosom and jumped down from the peak... She lost her father on that day but somehow she is still alive.

Is Black Flame really evil? She doesn't know. She decided to stay at Yliakum to search for the truth. At the same day she made the decision, she called herself Semson Engashi - name of her father. Besides as a form of contuinuing his attitude, she hope her losing mother and brother know her existence. If you know anything about the Black Flame and her relative, don't heistate to tell her.

Sacas Engashi
Sacas is a half-breed between Xacha and Ynnwn who grew up in a village of Black Flame cult. Being the descendant of an immoral marriage, he didn't get respect from neighborhood and developed an eccentric habbit. He seldom say a word but you know he has a very strong mind, he must be searching for something here in Yliakum. you don't know what it is but you belieave it is not a good mind.

Sacas decided to join the upcoming battle between Dwarvesbane and Dwarven Star, he supports Dwarvesbane. But it doesn't mean he enjoys slaying but he has a very good friend, the only one since childhood here in Dwarevsbane, he promissed to protect her.

這兩個不是別人, 正是我在遊戲里的角色。他倆原是姐弟, 因為某些原因而失散, 至今仍未相見。

姐姐知道世上有個弟弟, 於是揭力地在城市及周邊打深關於弟弟的消息。旅途上, 姐姐遇上了很多精彩的人, 剛踏進Yliakum就不明不白地碰上了Tharos, 這個讓她摸不著頭腦的邪惡人物, 也是經Tharos的指引她進入了一個和平的公會Ruby Reign, 在這裡她認識了Illori, Gag, Bereror, Skreit, Acissej...... 真正地開始了在Yliakum的生活。這些人像朋友, 像家人, 一值支持著她, 在幫助著她, 確保她在旅途上不孤獨, 也快樂, 也安全, 我不能忘記這些家人。同時有兩個家人以外的, 是朋友, 是伙伴, 我也不能輕易忘記, 他們一個是Rulewo, 有了他天文數字的資助, 我成長訊速。

(19:06:16) You tell Rulewo: well i want to max my stat, will need a lot
(19:06:33) You tell Rulewo: i mean the major stat
(19:06:56) Rulewo tells you: tell me the amount and i will try to help you..
(19:08:35) You tell Rulewo: i think i will need more than 100k.... this is a huge amount
(19:10:15) Rulewo tells you: i was afk... ok i can give u that ...where are you?

另一個是Herleva, 這對姐妹在山谷中相遇, 那時Herleva已經很強, 那個紅皮膚的Enack, 還有那個從樹上跳下來偷襲的Bandit都能應付了。從些以后, 她跟姐姐Herleva一起訓鍊, 姐姐固之然給了她很多指引, 更難得的是, 通過一起長時間的朝夕相對, 一起成長, 她倆之間已產生了一段難捨難離姐妹情。也是這段微妙的姐妹情, 感應著帶出Sacas跟Quittaa之間的一段深刻戀情.... 是單戀吧....

Sacas跟Quittaa青梅竹馬, 他一直喜歡著她。一天他在城市內重遇了她, 得知她要跟可惡的矮人dwarfs一族打仗, 縱然她的組織Dwarevsbane是一個恐怖組織, 他還是毫不尤疑決定要保謢她。那是一場很慘烈的戰爭, 歷時近兩個月, 戰事發生在隧道內, 角鬥場上, 原野上 .... Sacas趕不上最后一場戰事, 只聽說己方成功綁架了對方一個重要人名(Illori), 佔著優勢, 然而人總難敵天, 己方在最后一擊落敗了, 對勝負只是相差那么一擊。自此Dwarevsbane消失於Yliakum, Sacas再沒有見過Quittaa, 她戰死了嗎, 也許, 她還在世界的黑暗一角活著。

Quittaa跟Herleva之間是否真的有著那么密切而又不告知人的秘密關係? 事實上, 自Quittaa消聲瀝蹟后, Herleva也再沒有露過面。姐姐很想跟Herleva說,她很懷念她這個故人; Sacas很想跟Quittaa說,他很想再見她, 只要知道她幸福就好了; Semson很想告訴Claros,他很想去吃他請客的那一頓德國火雞。
